C.H. Evans Brewings Albany Pump Station thanks everybody who helped make the first Tour de Habitat so successful!
Eric from Albany's Down Tube Cycle and Fitness was gracious enough to be our event mechanic. Here he is seen chatting with two early century riders and fixing a bike.
What could have gone wrong before we even started? |
C.H. Evans Brewing Company Albany Pump Station owner Neil Evans chats with century rider Mark Chudzicki just before departure. Neil contemplated riding the 50 mile course, but instead sacrificed his day to the Hunter Mt. beer festival. Duty always calls. | ||||||||||||||
Century rider David Cherubin on Jarvis Road in Ravena. Construction on Starr Road forced this detour, but the scenery was worth the extra hill.
I snapped this photo holding the camera over my shoulder while riding. Not too bad! |
Go on to the next page of photos | ||||||||||||||
Capital District Habitat for Humanity (CDHfH) is a not-for-profit housing partnership dedicated to building decent and affordable housing for low-income families in need. Established in 1988, CDHfH is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. To date, CDHfH has built 37 homes in Albany.
Habitat uses volunteer labor and donations of money and materials to provide affordable homeownership to those people who would not otherwise have that opportunity. Habitat creates systemic social change by giving the economically disenfranchised the tools necessary to break the cycle of poverty. |