Beer Geek 101

We held our first-ever Brewers Discussion Panel on Wed. March 3rd 2010 from 7 – 8 p.m. It was be moderated by WAMC radio’s Joe Donahue and featured Olde Saratoga’s Paul McErlean, Ommegang’s Phil Leinhart and our brewer, George DePiro as the panel.

For those familiar with the format, this event is like the original Vox Pop Beer Show on WAMC, but with live audience members asking questions rather than call-in questions. Unlike Vox Pop, you will get to taste the beer we drink, too. A terrific event.

Admission to this event was $10, and included a pint of beer from the bar.

This was a unique opportunity to ask all sorts of beery questions and get answers from three guys who know a lot about beer and brewing. Attendance increased beer geek quotients by a factor of three or more! Check back for our next Beer Geek 101 event.

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