Halfmoon IPA

Our ‘Trans-Atlantic’ IPA is an ale that spans the ocean. Brewed with malt profile more typical of a British IPA and with a touch of rye there is a substantial malt body and smooth flavor. The continuous hopping with a blend of both floral British and pungent American hop varieties results in an IPA with a complex and subtle hop character with a hint of roasted malt in the background. 6.7 ABV


Subtle floral notes from the use of Noble hops and the pininess of Cascade hops dominate the nose while a touch of roasted malt rounds out the aroma.

This beer pours a hazy copper-brown with golden undertones. A thick, fluffy off-white head persists and laces nicely down the glass.

This is a full-bodied ale with a smooth mouthfeel, almost velvety. The substantial bitterness results in a fairly crisp and dry finish.

The hoppy aroma gives way to a brew that is decidedly hop forward, but with a substantial malt balance. Once past the initial floral hop flavors the Munich and roasted malts shine through the middle section rounded out by earthy and piney hop flavors and finishing with assertive hop bitterness.


O.G. 1.064 (16.0 P)

A.E. 1.014 (3.5 P)

ABV 6.7

BU 60

SRM 16

MALT Pale, Munich, Caramel, Chocolate

HOPS Cascade, Fuggles, East Kent Goldings

YEAST WLP001 (American Ale Yeast)