Knickerbocker Lager
This unique and flavorful German-style lager is our beer to welcome spring. Our Kellerbier-style lager has been fermented cold, dry-hopped and aged long. It is unfiltered and pours a beautiful orange color with a slight yeast haze. Pilsner, Munich and caramel malts are the base of this flavorful lager while the exclusive use of N.Z. hops yields a citrusy aroma with a perfect balance of body and bitterness. 5.2 ABV
The nose has is decidedly hop forward with a sweet orange marmalade aroma with a very slight touch of grass. This lager is super fresh and bright.
This beer pours a nice light orange color with a yeast haze. A lingering white head maintains throughout the glass leaving a nice amount of lacing.
The mouthfeel is light and very smooth. The smooth mouthfeel finishes quite crisp and dry due to the assertive amount of hops.
The intense hop aromas give way to a super smooth malt flavor with a firm hop bitterness. There is a hint of caramel sweetness which is cleaned up at the finish with the citrus and bitterness of the hops.
O.G. 1.052 (13.0 P)
A.E. 1.012 (2.7 P)
ABV 5.2
CALORIES 229 (per pint)
BU 32
SRM 7.3
MALT Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, Munich, Caramel
HOPS Cascade, Pacifica, Wakatu
YEAST W34-70 (German Lager Yeast)