Belgian Strong Ale
Our Belgian Strong Ale, aka Tripel, is brewed with a substantial amount of European pilsner malt and just a touch of wheat to add to the mouthfeel. A heavy dose of raw sugar late in the boil ups the alcohol and lightens the body, while our house Belgian yeast ferments with a ton of fruity esters and a touch of spicy phenol on the finish. 9.0 ABV
The nose is full of sweet, tropical fruit aroma. Hidden behind the fruit nose is just a hint of alcohol and a subtle pepper/spice note.
This beer is quite lively and pours a slightly hazy golden straw with a thick, fluffy, white head of foam. Leaves a heavy “Belgian lacing” down the glass.
Brewed with a light-medium body and smooth mouthfeel this beer feels ‘full’ due to the balance of body, mouthfeel and flavor.
The big fruity nose is followed by rich fruit flavors. The fruit flavor is followed by a subtle malt sweetness and alcohol warmth and finish with a touch of pepper and subtle hop bitterness.
O.G. 1.080 (20.0 P)
A.E. 1.011 (2.8 P)
ABV 9.0
CALORIES 262 (per 12 oz tulip)
IBU 30
MALT (Fermentables) Belgian Pilsner, Pilsner, Munich, Wheat, Cane Sugar
HOPS Cascade, Wakatu
YEAST WLP550 (Belgian Ale Yeast)