Bavarian Style Hefeweizen
Our Bavarian-Style Hefeweizen is brewed with a substantial amount of pale German malted wheat and a select German Hefeweizen yeast strain. The combination of the wheat malt and a low mashing temperature when fermented by our specialty yeast produces a beer with a big banana aroma with a hint of clove. These are the esters (fruit) and phenols (spice) produced by the yeast during fermentation. The slightly milky appearance is due to the yeast staying in suspension as well as the high protein content of the wheat malt 5.7 ABV
The nose is dominated by banana with a hint of clove, not overly sweet
The beer pours a milky golden color due to the yeast and wheat proteins that add to the beer hazing. There is a tight white head on top that leaves a nice lacing down through the glass.
The body is light and smooth, with a nice effervescence. A light almost watery mouth feel combined with the banana flavor results in a very “refreshing” beer.
The flavor is reminiscent of bananas with a hint of clove, though not overwhelming in either regard and with only a hint of sweetness. The flavors are light and bright on the tongue and the beer finishes clean.
O.G. 1.056 (14.0 P)
A.E. 1.012 (2.9 P)
ABV 5.4
CALORIES 247 (per pint)
BU 12
SRM 3.7
MALT Wheat, Pale, Munich
HOPS Cascade
YEAST WLP351 (Bavarian Hefeweizen Yeast)