This is the first beer of the year that we’re brewing in conjunction with Ales for ALS, and it also happens to be the first in a series of single hop American style IPAs. This beer is brewed to be light in body and color and to showcase the hop, or in this case hop blend. A definitively hop-forward brew with a big nose, light body and clean finish this beer feels good in your mouth as well as your conscious. With $1 from every pint going to the ALS TDI you can enjoy big hop flavor while simultaneously enjoying the knowledge that you’re helping fund research into ending this disease.


The nose is dominated by big hop character with green bell pepper notes and undertones of citrus and resiny pine.

The beer pours a golden straw with minimal haze and a tight white head.

The body is light and crisp with good carbonation. Between the relatively high attenuation, high hopping and good amount of bubbles this beer finishes quite clean.

The flavor is dominated by the hops. A bit of resin and pine come first with subtle hints of grapefruit and orange and a slightly spicy finish. Minimal malt sweetness lends just enough balance, while the late hop additions result in a nice dry finish to the beer.


O.G. 1.048 (12.0 P)

A.E. 1.008 (2.0 P)

ABV 5.2

CALORIES 203 (per 16oz pint)

BU 22


MALT Pale, Munich

HOPS Cascade, Ales for ALS Blend 2015

YEAST WLP001 (American Ale Yeast)