Wee Heavy

As with many traditional brewing cultures the Scottish have a tradition of using the same type of mash to produce a number of different styles of beer. The Wee Heavy being the strongest. Brewed with heaps and heaps of malt and moderate bitter balance this beer is big, malty, slightly sweet and a real gut-puncher with the alcohol content. 10.9 ABV


The nose is complex with subtle notes of raisin, malty sweetness and with a touch of biscuit and smoke in the background.

This beer pours a rich, deep brown with a reddish hue. The luxurious head leaves a heavy lacing on the glass.

The wee heavy has a full mouthfeel with delicate carbonation resulting in a smooth, soft feeling and pleasant lingering sweetness

The flavor is dominated with rich malt especially plum and raisin from the high alcohol. As with the aroma there’s a bit of biscuit and smoke faintly in support and an assertive, yet well-balanced hop bitterness. The finish is sweet.


O.G. 1.098 (23.4 P)

A.E. 1.016 (4.1 P)

ABV 10.9

CALORIES (per 311 glass)

BU 34

SRM 29

MALT: Pale, Pilsner, Munich, Caramel, Chocolate, Brown, Roasted

HOPS: East Kent Goldings, Fuggles

YEAST: WLP001 (American Ale yeast)