*BOTTLES - Poor Soldier Porter

Our first batch of Poor Soldier Porter of the year (May 2015) was aged in fresh-emptied rum barrels from our friends at Albany Distilling Co (June 2015). Our robust porter spent 6 months soaking up delicious notes of rum, oak, vanilla and chocolate. We blended it back with fresh brewed Poor Soldier Porter, conditioned it further on fresh split/scraped Madagascar vanilla beans and bottled it.

Allowed to bottle condition for 6 weeks, this big flavored porter has a wonderful soft carbonation. When poured into a glass subtle aromas of vanilla and chocolate are up front, with support of rum and coffee from the barrel and malt, respectively. The flavor is rich like a rummy chocolate milkshake.

($13.00 + tax 500ml Bottle) $70.20 per ½ case (6 bottles) (10% discount)

The nose is complex with big notes of chocolate and vanilla getting support from more subtle hints of rum, oak and coffee.

The porter pours a rich dark brown, almost black. With moderate carbonation and a large amounts of malt the head is tight and firm, medium brown and leaves a heavy lacing.

An otherwise fuller mouthfeel is lightened up by the oak, which acts to dry out the finish a bit. The aging on vanilla beans paired with the moderate carbonation helps to smooth out the dry oak.

The nose gives way to a rich and complex flavor beginning with notes of chocolate, vanilla and oak from the barrel. The rum comes through in the end with further malt support of coffee.


O.G. 1.076 (18.5 P)

A.E. 1.013 (3.3 P)

ABV 8.2

CALORIES 190 (per 250ml serving)

BU 31

SRM 36

MALT: Pale, Munich, Chocolate, Crystal, Smoked

HOPS: Cascade, East Kent Goldings

YEAST WLP001 (American Ale Yeast)

Storage: This beer should be stored upright in a cool, dark place, such as a cellar or cool closet. With proper care this beer should age well.