*BOTTLES - Wee Heavy

19th Century Albany Ale

Style: Historical Recreation of an American Strong Ale ABV: 9.6% IBU: 30ish Malt: 6-Row Malt, Honey Hops: Tettnanger   Albany, NY was once a major brewing capital, with hundreds of thousands of barrels of beer being produced by dozens of different breweries. Around the 19th Century, Albany became known throughout the Western Hemisphere for […]

19th Century Albany Amber

We continue our quest to revitalize Albany’s once great brewing history. This recreation is of a popular Amber Ale, also known as a “table beer” from the mid 1850’s. Noted for it’s full mouth feel, deep malt character and crisp drinkability. Taste history. Stats ABV 4.8 BU 22 MALT NYS Aromatic, NYS 6-Row HOPS NYS […]

Alcove Amber

Named in honor of the City of Albany’s drinking, and brewing, water. Tradtional English-style amber ale. Malty, semi-sweet with notes of caramel, toffee and fruity esters. ABV 5 BU 20 MALT Maris Otter, C-40, C-120, Amber, Roasted Barley, Flaked Barley HOPS East Kent Goldings  

Always Toasting NEIPA

Cheers to beers! Unfiltered, hazy, smooth and bursting with juicy aroma and flavors. Hazy and creamy body with notes of fresh squeezed orange, pine and citrus. Flavor follows suit with a crisp, gentle bitterness to balance it all out. A true onslaught of hop character. Style: New England IPA ABV: 7% IBU: 30 Malt: 2-Row, […]