C.H. Evans Brewing Company at the


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How Beer is Made

Head Brewer: George de Piro

George has an incomprehensible passion for beer that began while he was still a college student. He began his brewing career as a homebrewer in 1993. He has won numerous homebrewing awards, including Gold Medals at two prestigious international competitions: the 1996 National Homebrew Competition (Oktoberfest beer) and the 1999 Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (German-style wheat beer).  As a professional brewer he has won Gold Medals for American Brown Ale at the 2000 and 2002 Great American Beer Festival and his Hefeweizen and Belgian-style Strong Ale won the Third and Fifth Annual Hunter Mountain Microbrew Festival People's Choice Award for the best beer of the festival.

George is a National judge in the Beer Judge Certification Program and has also served as a judge at the Great American Beer Festival. He is a past president and active member of  The Malted Barley Appreciation Society (Brooklyn’s best homebrew club). He has taught numerous beer appreciation classes in New York City, including classes for the Brooklyn Brewery sales force.

He enjoys writing and has written numerous articles for the sadly defunct "Brewing Techniques" magazine and his homebrew club newsletter.  He has written an article about home malting in the January 2001 issue of Zymurgy.

He has a degree in biology from Syracuse University and attended the Siebel Institute’s Short Course in Brewing Technology and their Brewpub Operations Course.

Head brewer George de Piro.  Shorts are worn year-round.

The fermentors (back row) and serving tanks of our 10 barrel (310 gallon) brewing system.



The "hot side" of our 10 barrel brewhouse.  This is where malted grain is mashed and lautered to produce wort.  The kettle is on the right, the mash tun sits atop the hot water tank on the left.


Tim Matias, Assistant Brewer and Banquet Manager, earning his keep.