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Our Brewer: George de Piro

George's incomprehensible passion for beer began when he was a college student. Bored with the insipid swill so ubiquitous on American campuses, he sought out beers with flavor. The import aisle at the local beer purveyor offered a lot of dusty, old bottles, but amongst the flotsam and jetsam a few gems were found. Two beers in particular, Spaten's Doppelbock and EKU's famous "28" were favorites. It's their fault George became a brewer!

Intrigued by the intense malt flavor of those two beers, George began homebrewing a few years after graduating college. His brewing obsession really took control after a trip to the Pacific northwest in 1994. Amazed at the variety and quality of beers that existed, he returned east and brewed with great enthusiasm.

Eager to meet other people with the same deranged obsession, George joined the Malted Barley Appreciation Society, a Brooklyn-based homebrew club. He was eventually elected president of the club and also became a judge in the Beer Judge Certification Program. (Elected is perhaps not the right word; you can't turn your back on those people for a second...)

After winning several prestigious homebrewing competitions, including gold medals at the 1996 National Homebrew Competition (Oktoberfest Bier) and the 1999 Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (Hefeweizen), George decided to go pro. After all, his day job in the pharmaceutical industry was taking up way too much valuable brewing time!

As a professional brewer, George has won several awards. The most meaningful are the three Gold Medals earned at the Great American Beer Festival for his Kick-Ass Brown ale and the Silver award for his Munich-style dark lager won at the World Beer Cup. He tries hard to maintain a diverse line-up of beers at the Pump Station, so that beer geeks don't get bored and newcomers can find something that pleases them.

Shorts are worn year-round because it is a constant 95 F in the brewhouse! E-mail George at George at (change the "at" to @)

Our System: The last New World Brewing Systems ever built

That's right, ours is the last they ever made before closing the shop. It has a 10 barrel capacity (that's 310 gallons, 20-1/2 kegs, 11.73 HL, 2480 US pints, etc.) and is completely unautomated. Unlike industrial breweries, our beers are made entirely by hand. The mash is stirred by hand, the fermentors are scrubbed by hand (well, partly) and the beer packaged without any automation whatsoever. For more information about how beer is made, click HERE.

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