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Look for the NEW Beer School session in January!

Cask ale will return soon...


Updated 19 January 2024

For a taste of our present selection, order our Sampler.

Sampler:  7, three-ounce beers……………….$6.00

  Pints…..$3.50     10 ounce…..$2.75      Pitchers…..$13.00  


2 liter (½ gallon) Growlers to go:  $24 full, $8 refills (most beers)

1 liter ( 0.25 gallon) growlers are available, too!  $21 full, $5 refills

Kegs of Pale Ale, Brown Ale, and Hefeweizen are also available in different sizes!  Our brewer is well versed in determining the amount you need for a party, so give him a call.

Contact Head Brewer George de Piro for details.  Calling at (518) 447-9000 will yield fastest results.  To ensure the freshest beer possible, we fill kegs to order; please give us at least 24 hours notice.

Scottish LightA light-tasting, copper-colored beer brewed in the style of a malty Scottish 80 Schilling.  This beer is only 3.4 % alcohol by volume, making it extremely quaffable.  Unavailable until approximately 7 December.

Quackenbush Blonde – A golden ale brewed in the German Koelsch style.  Subtly hopped, with a malty aroma and dry finish.  I'm drinking one now, and it's damn good!  5.3 % ABV  

Dunkeles Weizenbier The dark-colored brother of our award-winning Hefeweizen, this is a true Bavarian-style wheat beer, brewed using a unique yeast strain that produces the flavors of cloves and bananas.  Our interpretation is malty with a creamy body and wonderful vanilla notes.  Our brewer strongly advises to leave the lemon out!  5.2% ABV

Stonehouse Apple Ale A unique beer brewed with 1/6th Indian Ladder Farms cider.  The freshly-pressed cider included the heirloom variety named Stonehouse.  Copper in color with a hint of apples in the nose, the flavor is malty at first but becomes pleasantly tart and apple-like toward the finish.  Around 5% ABV

Evans Extra Stout A rich, malty beer with a roasty, cocoa-like nose.  The the flavors of sweet malt and mocha flow gently across the tongue, enticing you to take another sip.  5.0% ABV 

Pump Station Pale Ale - A flavorful American pale ale, dry hopped with Crystal and Ahtanum to create a complex aroma reminiscent of apricots, pine and cotton candy.  5.2% ABV

Winter Warmer -  A deep-copper, malty brew with pleasant caramel notes and and assertive hop finish.  At 6.5% ABV, this beer is sure to keep the winter doldrums away!

Kick-ass Brown   Awarded Gold medals as the best brown ale in America at the 2000 and 2002 Great American Beer Festivals!  This copper-brown brew has a strong hop presence and firm, malty backbone.  Generous amounts of Horizon, Amarillo and Crystal hops are balanced by rich German Munich malt and just a touch of roasted malt.  5.0% ABV

Coming Soon:  Miloweizen


Guest Tap:  Woodpecker Pear Cider