C.H. Evans Brewing’s Albany Pump Station is proud to host the first Tour de Habitat on September 23rd 2007
Capital District Habitat for Humanity and C.H. Evans Brewing have something in common: an interest in the continued revitalization of Albany. Until now, both have worked in their own way to make Albany a vibrant and desirable place to live. Now they are working together to further this goal.

The Tour de Habitat gives riders a choice of pedaling either a 100 or 50 mile route to benefit Capital District Habitat for Humanity. Both rides start and finish downtown at the Albany Pump Station, with a post-ride Reception featuring food, beer and a silent auction benefiting Habitat for Humanity.

The 100 mile ride is a challenging jaunt around the Helderbergs and Alcove reservoir area. There are two non-trivial hills and a total elevation gain of about 5400 feet. The 50 mile route mimics the century route for the first 35 miles, but then avoids the major hills and returns to Albany with about 2000 feet of elevation gain.

Both routes start with a sight-seeing tour of the city of Albany, taking riders past many important landmarks. Saint Joseph’s Cathedral, the State Capitol and the Governor’s Mansion are a few of the major sites, as well as houses built by Habitat for Humanity.

There are rest stops with refreshments at approximately 25 mile intervals on both routes. You can view maps and route slips by clicking the appropriate link: the 100 mile route or the 50 mile route. Please note that these maps can take a while to load. Routes may be amended slightly.

The Gory Details
100 mile ride
50 mile ride
30 minutes before group start
Group A (>19 mph) 9:45 a.m.
Group A (>18 mph) 12:30 p.m.
Group B (17-18 mph) 9:15 a.m.
Group B (16-17 mph) 12:00 p.m.
Group C (15-16 mph) 8:30 a.m.
Group C (14-15 mph) 11:30 a.m.
Group D (13-14 mph) 7:30 a.m.
Group D (12-13 mph) 11:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Entry fee*
*Note: Your sponsorship money will be applied toward your entry fee.

The ride goes on rain or shine.

Be sure to sign up for a group that you can keep up with! It is best to err on the side of giving yourself more time to finish the ride.

Your entry fee entitles you to riding a fully supported route, pre- and post-ride meals at the Albany Pump Station, two pints of any Evans beer after the ride and a souvenir T-shirt. All proceeds from this fee go to Capital District Habitat for Humanity.

Family and friends are welcome to join you at the post-ride party reception for just $12 per person.

How to ride the Tour de Habitat

Step 1: REGISTER! Register on line at http://www.capitaldistricthabitat.org/. If you are unable to ride, you can still support the 2007 Tour de Habitat by making a donation.

The Entry Deadline is September 1st!

The Tour is limited to 100 cyclists. To guarantee your spot on this ride, you must get your check for $100 to Capital District Habitat for Humanity as soon as possible.

Step 2: GET SPONSORS! Tell your sponsors that their donations will help to fund Capital District Habitat for Humanity.

Step 3: PEDAL! Bring all donations to the sign-in at the Albany Pump Station at the designated time. There we’ll collect sponsor envelopes and pass out T-shirts.

Any questions? Call George at 518-447-9000 or e-mail him: George at EvansAle.com (change
"at" to @. Please state "Tour de Habitat" in the subject line so I know it's not spam.

Capital District Habitat for Humanity (CDHfH) is a not-for-profit housing partnership dedicated to building decent and affordable housing for low-income families in need. Established in 1988, CDHfH is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. To date, CDHfH has built 37 homes in Albany.

Habitat uses volunteer labor and donations of money and materials to provide affordable homeownership to those people who would not otherwise have that opportunity. Habitat creates systemic social change by giving the economically disenfranchised the tools necessary to break the cycle of poverty.